Hi there.....

So kind of you to stop by....I do enjoy the company.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Temporary fix

My neighbor came by and checked everything out.  The outside unit was fine.  The inside unit is where the trouble is.  The fan wasn't working....then it was.  Later in the afternoon, however, I noticed that it was getting a bit cool in the house so I checked the thermostat (the new one, 'cause the old one was kaput) and saw that the temperature was lower than it should have been.  Even though I turned the temperature up, the fan would not come on.  Another call to my neighbor.  He came back over and, sure enough, the inside fan would not go on.  Happily he happened to have one in his storage unit down the road.  Not the same kind, but good enough until he could get a proper replacement.  Monday he'll get the right part.  So, once again, I have heat.  If he hadn't been able to fix it I told him I had a portable heater I could use and would stay downstairs with it on near my recliner.  I would also put on more layers, maybe have a fire in the woodstove in the basement.  Happily I didn't have to.
Much to do today so.....
Y'all have a great day and remember:  a day without sunshine is like...night.


Andolphus Grey said...

You are lucky to have someone who can figure out a temporary fix and not insist on waiting for the "proper" part.

HermitJim said...

Glad you have a fix, albeit temporary. Any fix is better than none, right?

Momlady said...

Yes, I am Sixbears, yes, I am.
I am warm, HJ and that's what counts. Especially since it was 30 degrees outside when I got up.