Hi there.....

So kind of you to stop by....I do enjoy the company.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Received word last night that a long time friend has passed away.  He had been fighting cancer for a while and we had hoped the treatments would work.  The really sad part is that he died alone.  Another friend was on her way from out of state to check on him and help him.  When she couldn't get him on the phone she called the local police and asked them to do a welfare check.  They got no response when they got to his house so they broke in the door.  I wish he had called me, so does my daughter.  We've known him for so long.  He wouldn't, though, because he wouldn't want us to see him in such bad condition.  Nor would he want us to "go out of our way" to help him.  He was a very private person.  I mourn his passing but know he is no longer in pain.
If only he had called.


HermitJim said...

Sad that he died alone, but I guess that he wanted it that way, I'm sorry that you lost a friend, especially when maybe you could have given him a bit of comfort.

Momlady said...

Sadly, HJ, he did not want to die alone. His ex-girlfriend was on her way to his home from out of state so that he wouldn't be alone. Also to discuss burial.