Hi there.....

So kind of you to stop by....I do enjoy the company.

Monday, May 14, 2018


You ever feel "down in the dumps"?  A vague uneasy, not upbeat feeling?  I don't reckon everyone can feel upbeat all the time but this...
Woke up this morning feeling, I don't know, unwilling to get out of bed, feeling something's not right but don't know what.  I need to get things done outside but have to go out before the sun comes up from behind the trees.  Ain't gonna happen.  It doesn't happen often to me but when it does...
It could be worrying about a good friend who had some heart work done and is back in the hospital.  the procedure done was one I'd never heard of....cauterizing the part of her heart that isn't working.  They went in through arteries in her legs and now there's a huge hematoma in her groin.  I don't like the sound of it.
Or it could be that, all of the sudden, I'm feeling lonely.  Ordinarily I'm fine living by myself.  I have outside things that I do with others and am actually quite busy.  I guess it's that plans are made by others and I'm not notified but expected to participate at the last minute.
I just don't know.....sigh.


HermitJim said...

I can sympathize with that feeling. Been that way several times as of late. I have no idea what's going on in my head.

Momlady said...

Maybe it's the way the planets are lined up, HJ. Thanks for coming by.