Hi there.....

So kind of you to stop by....I do enjoy the company.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Bees....I dislike them. There is one on the hummingbird feeder outside my window as we speak. I have located the yellowjacket nest and will deal with it tonight. Meanwhile I have to somehow get the hummer feeder without being stung because it need refilling....already. I put solution in it yesterday! And, of course, the hummers are busy defending their respective territories. It's a wonder they get to drink anything at all. But, somehow, they do. Sometimes literally on the fly. Great free entertainment. Wonder what would happen if I put a third feeder out there?

Have a good day and remember:Negative thinking never got nobody nothing.


mizdeb said...

I like bees for the benefits they provide in nature but when they invade my territory it becomes a little difficult. I guess they r going after the sugar water, too. Good luck!

Kyddryn said...

A third feeder? The world would come unhinged...but it'd be funny watching them figure out their new territories...

Shade and Sweetwater,

HermitJim said...

The hummers are a lot o fun to watch...it's a shame I don't have just a bit of their energy!

i'd wait until winter to put up the bird feeder! They will need it more during the cold months, and the hummers will be gone!

Momlady said...

mizdeb...Yup, that one bee was busy trying to get to the nectar. Couldn't, though, the hole is too small. Must have gotten some on the outside. Haven't had a problem 'til yesterday and I took care of that.
K..yes it would.
Jim...I meant a third hummer feeder. I already have the other feeders out.