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So kind of you to stop by....I do enjoy the company.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Going to Sam's

I'm going to Sam's Club today with my daughter to help her stock up on things she needs either food wise or otherwise.  I will probably grab some things for me as well.  The only problem I have with Sam's is that whenever I find something I like the next time I go back it isn't there any more.  Sigh.  Luckily paper towels and toilet paper (the brands I like) are always there.  Some things are better priced there and some things aren't.  Good steaks, though.  One time I scored a box of T-shirt bags.  1,000 in a box!  I use them for cleaning out the kitty box.  I won't have to scrounge plastic grocery bags for almost 3 years!  and they don't have holes in them.
Nights are getting a bit cooler but the days are still quite hot.  Makes me stay inside but at least I'm beginning to get things tidied up.  Probably won't last long.  Early mornings I go to the garden and water the prolific tomatoes and pick the ripe ones.  I don't think as many seeds will be planted next year.  The straw bale garden has certainly produced a lot.  And there are melons growing in the compost pile.  Who knew?
Y'all have a good day and remember:  Socialism is great until you run out of other people's money.


Hermit's Baby Sis said...

Hey, MomLady. I don't even bother with Sam's anymore - I like Costco a lot better, and I know they treat their employees better, too.
Hubby keeps a Sam's account, as he used to get his golf cart batteries there, but we'll compare Costco next time it comes up.
Went to Costco on Saturday, and they have the Senior Flu Shot for $9.99, while Walgreens and Kroger are $25.00. Hubby's Advantage Plan makes it free, I think. He'll go back tomorrow to get the shot, since they were out of the Senior on Saturday.
Happy tomato picking!

Momlady said...

Sis...Sam's is a lot closer. I'd have to drive another 20 miles to get to Costco. My daughter lives close to Sam's so it's more convenient when we have to stock up on paper goods, which is what I buy there mostly. I've heard good things about Costco but don't know that the savings would be worth it with gas prices what they are. And I don't get the flu shot. In the past when I did get it I got the flu.