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Sunday, January 8, 2017

Baby, it's cold

Baby, it's cold outside!!  Got up to 11 degrees outside.  Thankfully the sun is supposed to shine and it's going to get up to about 32.  Wow!  Last week we were in the 60's.  Go figure.  Many people make the assumption that it's always warm in the South.  Not so.  Even Florida gets cold.  I've been in Miami when it was in the 30's.
My electric bill is going to be on the high side for this month.  Heat pumps are almost worthless when the temps get below freezing.  Heck they just can't keep up.  This keeps up and I'll light a fire in the fireplace tonight.  Going to my grandson's birthday party today will be interesting.  I'm not sure the kids will play outside considering.  Have never been to this particular home before so don't know how big it is.  I don't do large groups of kids.  The noise!  Which is probably why I won't go to my granddaughter's birthday party in a couple of weeks since it will be at Chucky Cheese.  Way too many rug rats and noise!!
Am feeling the air coming out of the vents right now and it isn't even tepid.  I'm told that the way heat pumps work is that they take the heat out of the air. (simplified explanation)  What??  It's 11 degrees outside.  Where's the heat in that?
Guess I'll go take a nice hot shower and put on some long johns.  At least I know how to dress in these temperatures.
Y'all stay warm.


Tatersmama said...

We're dealing with the same thing here in Hiawassee. I love the look of the snow when it first falls, (I'm like a kid when it first comes down) but by now, I'm ready to say "GO AWAY"! We hit a high of 16F here in the Georgia mountains, and even with propane heat, I'm rugged up like an Eskimo! Keep warm,and keep safe.

HermitJim said...

Even got way cold here in Houston. Down in the high 20s and mid 30s. That's too cold for me!

Momlady said...

Tatersmama...so glad to see you here again! Yes, it's been cold. I've stayed inside and done some knitting and sewing. Only venture out if I have to. But, would you believe, it's supposed to get back up into the 60's this week?
HJ...just be glad you don't have snow :).

Hermit's Baby Sis said...

Yeah, Momlady, no snow for us - yet. At the rate it's going we may have some by February. Froze water in the ditches and the water bottle I left in my car (no explosion, thankfully)on Friday night, then going back up to near 80 this week! That's what they say about Texas' weather - don't like it now, just wait a few minutes, 'cause it'll change ...
Stay warm, Momlady!

Momlady said...

Baby Sis - You can say the same thing for here. So far I've managed to stay warm but look forward to the trip to warmer climes in February.