Hi there.....

So kind of you to stop by....I do enjoy the company.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A thought(?)

I find it interesting that the countries who are having or had so much financial difficulty did not seem to be in such straights until they switched to the Euro. Could it be that having only one currency is not so good?

If I ever have to fly anywhere I'll go ahead and go through the scanner (I don't know if our airport has such). It won't be a pretty sight and they'll regret my choice. As for getting a patdown, hmmmmmph.

An acquaintance came up with a brilliant idea for security at the airport. Build a whole line of bomb proof little rooms specially equipped with special sensors. Everyone has to go into a room for 30 seconds. If a person is wearing an explosive the sensor will set it off and....voila! No more bomber...just a big mess to clean up.

I think, therefore I'm dangerous. Have a thoughtful day.


HermitJim said...

Momlady, you crack me up! I hope that you have a wonderful holiday...and that most of the problems disappear for a while!

I'll be thinking of you, my friend!

Roxie said...

Haha...I like that idea of a bomb room. Would cut down on bombers, wouldn't it?

Cygnus MacLlyr said...

oh, no doubt...

Momlady said...

You have a wonderful holiday too, Jim. Thanks for coming by.

Roxie, I do believe it would. Glad you stopped by.