Hi there.....

So kind of you to stop by....I do enjoy the company.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Reality sometimes bites

Yesterday my back went into spasm. Oh joy. Why? Guess it's 'cause I had to come back to the real world with all its foibles and bills and other stuff. I'm sitting here trying to massage the knots out with one of those Homedics devices that runs up and down your back. I thought I had it licked this morning when I got up. Had a great night's sleep thanks to a couple of Excedrin PM and woke up with no knots or pain. Then I had to answer Mother Nature's call. I won't go into details but somehow I moved wrong and......
So I'll sit in my chair today with some pillows in the right spot and hope that by doing so I can alleviate the spasms. I'll be knitting most of the day. Perhaps the bright spot is that I might even get that baby blanket finished. Thankfully I don't have to go anywhere except this evening to get my hair cut. Maybe a short trip to the market to pick up some cereal. If the back doesn't behave I'll call my chiropractor and see if he can do something about it. But really, the only thing that seems to work is relaxing. Something I wish I was good at.
If I could sleep for the next week.......


Kyddryn said...

Poor Mum...I'm sorry. I'd bring you some soup, but that's not really good for back pain, is it?

I love youuuuuu...

Shade and Sweetwater,
K (who hopes you mend quicklyl)

HermitJim said...

If I was there, I'd go get your cereal for ya! But it would be a long trip from here!

Hope it gets better soon...don't over-do!

Momlady said...

Kyddryn....the soup would be good for my spirits, though. I love you, too.

HermitJim....appreciate the thought. It'll get better when it gets better. Meanwhile, thanks for stopping by.