Hi there.....

So kind of you to stop by....I do enjoy the company.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

I truly don't know why I keep this up. Since its inception only my daughter has read it. It does, however, let me vent or put down thoughts. I read other posts and find my writing sadly lacking in just about everything. In other words, I don't wax poetical, etc. Just mundane, that's me. And today's mundania has to do with the power company coming out to let me know how badly my house leaks air. I understand that I need a new, upgraded AC unit. The only reason I'm doing this is because the company does it for free and I don't have to spring for the AC unit all at once, but it's added to my power bill a little at a time every month which I can handle. I think I may get in touch with the power company that serves my daughter's house to see if they do the same thing. If so, perhaps we can get her power bill down some. Of course, it would help if her paying roommate wouldn't leave his TV on all day and night as well as his light and computer. He pays her just about enough to cover the power bill. In some ways I wish he would find another place to live so she could use the room for something else, but then again he does pay some rent (not enough to my mind, but he is unemployed at the moment). And he is another presence in the house who can, in an emergency, watch the evil genius for a short time.
Hope to see you today, daughter mine, and we can discuss the power thing. I know you have that class tonight and I'll be thinking about you.....

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