Hi there.....

So kind of you to stop by....I do enjoy the company.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Yesterday morning I received a second call from Tony the census taker. It seems her supervisor does not like to take no for an answer. I told Tony why I wouldn't answer her questions and why I only answered number 1, i.e. how many people residing in the house. It seems her supervisor doesn't care that I am only required, per the Constitution, to answer that one question. Sooooo Tony had to make that second call yesterday morning. I relented a teeny bit and gave her my date of birth and race (I told her to put "human" in that spot) and then told her that if her supervisor did not like the fact that I refuse to answer any more of those stupid questions, the answers for which the government already has, then said supervisor could call me and I would tell her/him about my reason for not answering and ask her/him to quote me the law that requires me to answer said stupid questions.
I've had people say, "Oh, but then we won't get money for....."(you fill in the blank). Nuh uh, folks, that ain't so. Big brother already has all that information available. All it has to do is get off its collective arse and get it. All the information it needs about me can be found in the 2000 census when I was naive enough to answer all the questions. Only two things have changed...my age and my attitude.
If I get hauled off to jail does anyone out there know a really good Constitution lawyer?

Y'all have a wonderful day and remember: What luck for the rulers that men do not think. ....A. Hitler


Cygnus MacLlyr said...

Love the quote...

DianeLynn said...

You go girl! I too did not fill out a form cause I did not get one...and I wouldn't anyway. LOL I have moved so many times I think they lost me!

Momlady said...

Diane....you are lucky. Have you settled down yet?

Tatersmama said...

Good for you, girl! I would have done the exact same thing... and consequences be damned!
The day they start taking liberties with the constitution, is the day that people need to wake up and remember that we have a government OF the people, FOR the people.
Not us ruled by them.