Hi there.....

So kind of you to stop by....I do enjoy the company.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

It may rain again today, then again it may not. I awoke to sunshine and hope for the sake of those participating in the weekend festival just north of here that the sun remains. It poured yesterday and last night. When I say poured I mean POURED. It came down so hard I looked for dents in my metal roof. Haven't had a chance yet to check on new plants. I'm keeping my fingers crossed they weren't beaten to death, especially the strawberry plants.

Have a peaceful day and remember: It is what it is.....or is it?


HermitJim said...

Back up into the high 80's today and the rest of the week...with no rain forcast! However, that doesn't always mean anything, ya know?

Have a great week ahead, my friend!

Momlady said...

It's actually Spring here with temps in the low 70's during the day and 40-50's at night. Don't work too hard this week!