Hi there.....

So kind of you to stop by....I do enjoy the company.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The sun shines brightly but it is still cold this morning. Snow is still on the ground although I hear the thoooomp of falling clumps from the trees every now and then. It is supposed to go up into the 40's today so the snow may melt some. I am glad I didn't have to go out last night as the roads were, no doubt, treacherous with frozen slush or melted snow (it went down into the low 20's).

I'm ready for warmer weather, green grass, and leaves on the trees. Crocus are peeking out and hyacinths have begun to emerge their greenery. Some tulip plants are beginning to emerge also. If I decide to plant I will at least wait until after Easter. Too many times have I seen people buying plants when it begins to warm up only to have to go back and buy again after a frost hits. 'Course it all depends on when Easter takes place. This year it's the first Sunday in April so I may just wait until the end of April since I have seen it snow here in that month.

What I really need to do is clean out my garden. And I mean REALLY clean out my garden. I have beaucoup iris that need thinning as well as a ton of lavender. My fig tree has become two fig trees. And the weeds proliferate. I'll get out there when it gets warmer....like in the 60's.

Because it is such a beautiful day I hope you have a beautiful day. (Well, I'd hope you have a beautiful day anyway, you know.)


HermitJim said...

I think we are all getting a touch of Spring fever! Just a little cabin fever thrown in for good measure!

I am so ready for the warmth and trees to dress up some!

Have a really good day!

Momlady said...

I want to see leaves of green! Pines are soooo boring.
Glad you came by...have a good one.